Air Restore Reviews

Air Restore USA launched in 2013 and are based out of Minnesota in the US.

The corporation operates in the air purification MLM niche and is headed up by CEO, Bill Converse.

According to Converse's Air Restore USA corporate bio.

Read on for a whole report on the Air Restore USA MLM business opportunity.

The Air Restore USA Compensation Plan

The Air Restore USA compensation plan pays affiliates to offer Air Restore USA products to retail customers. They are also paid to recruit new Air Restore affiliates.

Residual commissions are paid out employing a unilevel compensation structure, although commission percentages aren't calculated employing a traditional method.

MLM Commission Qualification

To manage to qualify for MLM commissions,  Air Restore USA advise.

There's no reference to “Family Packs” on the Air Restore USA website or in their compensation plan documentation.

I did so find one Air Restore USA presentation that describes an “AR-4 Whole Home Family Pack” for $370 retail. I'm assuming this what “Family Pack” above is refers to.

Remember that Reserve Status Air Restore USA affiliates do not earn MLM commissions.


So, with Converse claiming he's develop some new “cutting-edge technology”, one wonders if he approached the FTC about modification to the injunction.

Call me cynical, but all the claims about Air Restore USA's items are pretty much the same as those made about Alpine Industries ' ;.

How different Air Restore USA's purifiers are to Alpine Industries'I can't say, but surely a brand new coat of paint doesn't negate an FTC injunction?

Unless I'm missing something, I also observed that there's no “scientific evidence” provided on the Air Restore USA copying the presented claims.

At first glance it appears Air Restore USA is definitely an FTC lawsuit waiting to happen…

Compensation plan wise red flags immediately increase with commissions paid from affiliate recruitment.

There's no retail required in Air Restore USA, with affiliates earning $130 per affiliate recruited and capable to earn on their monthly autoship volume.

Speaking that, the necessity that Air Restore USA affiliates be on autoship to earn MLM commissions, is clearly pay to play.

And $7990 for 35 air filter units? There's no way known an affiliate will be needing that much product, with the Fast Start Enrollment Kit openly lending itself to inventory loading.

Pay to play also rears its head with the purchase of affiliate ranks. Spending more on something buys you an increased rank, which pays you higher commission percentages.

In MLM commission rates and qualification should always be determined by an affiliate's sales performance, not only how much they spent to participate the company.

The possible lack of retail pricing on the Air Restore USA website can also be a problem.

Putting this together, you've a questionable product with an infinitely more questionable compensation plan Go Here.
